Another sleepless night, but all is not lost because I figured out where we all went wrong and that is allowing techies to dominate every facet of life. Many moons ago when I was an addiction counsellor there were no computers so after sessions with clients I wrote notes by hand. Then my secretary (that was the official name) transcribed them on a typewriter and catalogued in a very efficient system. The beauty of that system was that May and I had coffee together during breaks, chatted about current affairs, our lives, what movies we watched, and never for a moment did anybody feel that they were better or more important than the other. She even looked after my salary cheques.
We laughed often and at home time I did not feel the exhaustion one feels when sitting in a cubicle at a computer alone writing notes. Of course that is what happened, secretaries were no longer needed because I could do the the counselling and the typing and the cataloguing, so after some difficult sessions I got to sit by myself typing instead of relating to another human I knew well and laugh a little.
Now things have advanced further with AI, where nobody will have a job, because AI will fulfill all civil desk type jobs and eventually do the counselling virtually as well. And if a meeting occurs it is across the screen. There is an energy exchange between humans when they are in proximity that doesn't exist virtually. An energy that is greater than the sum of two people that lifts our spirits, no matter the conversation or relationship or the task at hand.
Our world is shrinking because that energy is disappearing.
Now the Techie King (Musk) wants and has explicitly said over and over again that AI will take over all non menial jobs and people will be paid supposedly a sum just enough to live. Only the The 16 year old brilliant hacking techies will be controlling all the wires AI needs. In other words running society. There is talk that we will be swallowing a chip to connect us to servers in a candy of some sort.
And who will be at the apex of all this , Musk of course...
He is practicing on the Federal US system as we speak, all the workers are fired and AI will take over dispensing and collecting social security, pensions, disability payments etc. And who will decide how much people get to live on, Musk, the master of thrifty and cuts for others but not for himself.
Musk's aim is to rule the world by being in charge of first Doge then all countries governments. He has no clue what life is about and what people need. People need to have meaning in their lives and May felt she was important in her role and I couldn't do without her. Victor Frankl a holocaust survivor wrote a great book about this. "Mans Search of Meaning". My son a U of T grad from Law finds more meaning in fixing somebodies toaster than doing corporate law.
We have deviated too far from the essence of living and allowed technology and techies to mechanize everything. For what reason, comfort or ease? There is much more depression and discomfort in the world than when we washed dishes by hand instead of loading our machines.
I used to put on good music and dance with the dishes and when it was done there was a sense of accomplishment.
We have created a society where children in school spend half their day looking on the phone instead of thinking of creative things to do with friends after school or really getting excited about learning.
Now that I see the end game I will not get worried or angry or fearful or opt out because it is still important to support the good guys in politics…by saying truths and facts. I think my art in a slim way also tries to do the same…with some laughter mixed in.
The talking can take over and art needs space both in reality and in our minds, so it is a choice everyday and how loud the Muse is.
Sorry for this lengthy note but maybe I will sleep for awhile now…hahahaha
Musk needs to be stopped and AI killed everywhere. It is not needed not even in business where it substitutes for a creative brain. It will also not be in medicine as a doctor is trained to treat the whole person and not just the systems. Definitely should stay out of the art world and leave artists to enjoy their own commune with muses and hands on making. All the digital artists will scream at me but know that it is not worth the disintegration of society which is what we are now experiencing.
We didn't know how to stop scientists before they created the atomic bomb and we didn't know how to stop the Musks from taking over all of life.
Smart phones are just another addition like heroin or watching Netflix all day or drinking oneself into a stupor.
I am afraid that the Universe will punish us royally if we dont wake up soon to the techie dangers.
Musk hates the word WOKE because it reminds him a smidgen that what he is doing is wrong. That we need to move away from AI and humanoids and all the rest of the death of living inventions. Musk is not happy and that should give you a clue . He microdoses with ketamine to lift his spirits and probably has never had a belly laugh in his life. Computers are stimulating intellectually but void of emotions and spirit any way you look at it.
Forty years ago I saw a cartoon of a skinny man with a big head sitting in a cubicle wired up to a machine that gave him everything he needed so he never had to leave the cell, and here we are. Are people happy ? How many people do you know that are actually filled with joy in their daily life. The only ones I know are Tibetan monks...with no money and no smart phones and a spiritual focus in their daily lives.