Visual artists will stop existing giving birth to techies that can talk to an app about what they wan to see and it will appear on the screen. Some artists say that the creativity lies in editing algorithms. Sorry but visuals were always related to intuition in my humble estimation and not language or words.
So the art that is being produced using AI is soulless, pretty, and meaningless fluff sans emotions.
Not worried about AI? You should be!
I never say hello or anything to anyone trying to phone me because it is very easy to put an app on your phone cloning my voice with just one word. Also you can get another app that clones your face from any picture on social media. Together AI can make videos of you so accurate you could FaceTime with your grandmother! If that is not enough they are cloning human brain cells into these computers and one day these robots will wipe us out because they won't need us anymore...just the way construction workers wipe out ants in their digging, with no malice.
Most professions will become defunct!