For example we see a fire truck and say it is red. But is it? The brain does not actually see the colour red. What it accepts is the wave oscillation of light reflected off the fire truck and that light contains all colours except red. in other words it is the absence of red that makes the truck appear red. So as you look at reality what you are looking at is everything other than what is there. The point is that what you believe to be reality or truth is the absence of reality translated by your brain from a wavelength into what seems to be undeniable truth...the fire truck is red,I will stake my life on it...and then all the people seeing it say the same thing so you have confirmation of that reality. Reality is in fact subjective and truth is as numerous as there are people on earth...
According to the Japanese fish are not just beautiful but have the ability to transform the observer into otherworldly states of perception. These altered states of perception ultimately lead to the attraction of high energy - and this manifests in the form of prosperity of all kinds in our lives.
Fish have the power to take us into lands of fantasy - they let our analytical minds drop out of sight and allow our imaginations to roam the seas of our thoughts for a while. In China fish symbolize living in a state of fearlessness, without danger of drowning in the ocean of sufferings, and migrating from place to place freely and spontaneously. In Buddhism, in particular the fish symbolizes happiness and freedom. As a Celtic symbolic fish meant knowledge, wisdom, inspiration and prophecy. In ancient Eastern Indian mythology, the fish is a symbol of transformation and creation. Ancient African creation myths tell of the creator, planting seeds in the cosmic womb. From these seeds two fish erupted, and were set forth into the cosmos upon the waters of creation. Lastly, in ancient European cultures, the fish had symbolic meanings of adaptability, determination, and the flow of life. Fish could grant wishes if you caught one and gave it back its freedom by releasing to the water again. Fish stories also posses the meaning of tall tales we tell ourselves in order to make sense of our lives and give it meaning and purpose. As Henri Matisse once said, “Creativity takes Courage”. Like the fish, the artist chooses to swim in the creative juices of life alone, over joining the ranks in the marketplace, at once a safer and more deadening existence. For me, fish symbolize freedom, silence and communion with the mystery of life; a life lived outside the main stream. Oh, and only dead fish swim against the stream. Quantum physics states that something can actually come into existence only when it is observed. That means that something only exists because a mind first thought it into existence. Everything exists primarily as a quantum potentiality. When something is observed, energy comes together to form subatomic particles, and in turn atoms, then molecules until finally something manifests.
According to contemporary scientists subatomic particles are simply energy packets. We are a cluster of energy, so is everything else. A cluster of energy is always in motion, moving and changing to form new configuration at every moment. The table that is in your dining room is not as solid as it appears to be. On a highly magnified level, you would realize that it is in constant flux, losing and gainingbillions of energy packets, but intelligently maintaining the overall look of a table. There is a consciousness that keeps the energy in that particular form. Sometimes when you have been alone and silent and focused on pure looking, and thoughtless you can perceive this matter as energy. The objects become blurred and become dot-like and vibrating. Evidence from extensive research into subatomic physics tells us that there is no such thing as physical matter. Everything is energy. So why as sensitive visual artists shouldn’t we see it as such and portray it on canvas? If we could convince humans with an only-material-world-view of the truth of this by giving them a visual experience, human values would drastically change, from dog-eat-dog view to respecting nature and all life on this planet. That is my great hope as I try to share my experience through art, visually. by Eva Lewarne Artists play many roles in society but one of their major ones is to be preservers
of mystery... What is a mystery? A mystery is a secret, a riddle, or an enigma. Mystery is not the absence of light and meaning, but the presence of more meaning than we can comprehend and the making of the light more brilliant and pregnant with possibilities. The very term mystery baffles the imagination... It is the animating force, the reason why every man and woman gets up in the morning, and steps out into this wild world. Once you get to the stage where you can be comfortable with possibilities and not facts, the search for meaning in life becomes more enjoyable, the stuff of being alive, especially if you can accept that you don’t know everything, and will never know everything because there is always another perspective to every situation. A lot of the things that I once considered true have revealed themselves in my life to be false, so that I can safely assume that any of my beliefs could be thrown on their heads in the very next instance. Just peering into the mystery is enough for me to enjoy the ride. I think the art world maybe tiring of the fake, artificial and purely conceptual, where you need to read about the visuals in order to understand them. I think we are ready for visuals that directly impact the viewers at a deep level, making them aware of life beyond the superficial...the enigma of life and its secrets… As Francis Bacon once said, "The role of Art is to show Mystery"... That is what I am hoping my body of work will do, induce viewers to start exploring "mystery" in their lives. This can have a profound effect on helping people to become more compassionate in their lives. This in turn will effect communities and society in positive ways as people become less selfish and more generous in their views. How are we relating to one another, to the environment, the world???
With the industrial age we began to think that we humans were also gadgets to be manipulated. We forgot about what it means to be human, about what it is we need. Effie Chow a famous Qigong Master says that we need 11 hugs a day to stay healthy. Unless we are holding an infant to our breast, who is healthy these days? Even when we are “together” we are apart, each individual desperately scanning their IPhone in the hopes that some miraculous text message will be sent to them, especially, making their dreams come true. In the meantime we have stopped being observant, even not seeing our partners, friends, family, and are clueless to their needs, their emotions… We have become self-absorbed, each an island unto themselves, with very little or no communication. In this milieu, imagination and soul shrivels up and eventually dies, and what is left but sheer loneliness, ignorance and and an abysmal emptiness. We have stopped communicating even with ourselves preferring to be entertained with banal internet quotes and videos. Imagination is a word of the past and the environment is being devastated because we no longer know that we are related to Nature. We even have forgotten that we need oxygen to breathe, we are so numbed by technologically. Once I asked a young person what he thought the future would bring and he assured me we will be beamed up to outer space in an alien spaceship. Poor man, is delusional and that is what being out of touch has made us, deluded robots pretending to be humans… |
February 2025
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