With the industrial age we began to think that we humans were also gadgets to be manipulated. We forgot about what it means to be human, about what it is we need. Effie Chow a famous Qigong Master says that we need 11 hugs a day to stay healthy. Unless we are holding an infant to our breast, who is healthy these days? Even when we are “together” we are apart, each individual desperately scanning their IPhone in the hopes that some miraculous text message will be sent to them, especially, making their dreams come true. In the meantime we have stopped being observant, even not seeing our partners, friends, family, and are clueless to their needs, their emotions…
We have become self-absorbed, each an island unto themselves, with very little or no communication. In this milieu, imagination and soul shrivels up and eventually dies, and what is left but sheer loneliness, ignorance and and an abysmal emptiness. We have stopped communicating even with ourselves preferring to be entertained with banal internet quotes and videos. Imagination is a word of the past and the environment is being devastated because we no longer know that we are related to Nature. We even have forgotten that we need oxygen to breathe, we are so numbed by technologically.
Once I asked a young person what he thought the future would bring and he assured me we will be beamed up to outer space in an alien spaceship. Poor man, is delusional and that is what being out of touch has made us, deluded robots pretending to be humans…