Art done for well being should be called Art Therapy and not Professional Art...somebody bought my 9 year old granddaughters cat painting, that does not mean my grand-daughter is a professional artist...
A visual artist needs to be like a musician that has learned his scales well first then plays other people's music then composes his own. However in our industrial, materialistic world, visual artists start selling their scale works immediately thinking that is success. Would anyone listen to scales only at a concert, no. We would learn to listen however to well played other composer's music at a concert, so artists that paint like some famous artists are getting noticed now. But the ultimate in music is when you can compose your own and captivate people. That is what a visual artist should aspire to, getting to a stage when they are composing their own work. This however can not happen without first the learning of scales and learning from master's art. So just spitting or vomiting on canvas is not enough...Our industrial society however values selling and money, ergo Damien Hirst is born, who has achieved notoriety through being a shrewed business man, knowing how to make money with his kitschy diamond studded do we really know any more what is good art?
Art done for well being should be called Art Therapy and not Professional Art...somebody bought my 9 year old granddaughters cat painting, that does not mean my grand-daughter is a professional artist...
Why is mythology so popular in modern art? Visual artists are looking to ancient mythologies as references in their works. MOMA recently had an exhibition called, “The Modern Myth: Drawing,
Mythologies in Modern Times”. And not just Classical Mythology but Futuristic Ones as well, as invented by the artists and then given a name and storyline. The enduring appeal of course to modern artists is that they can interpret the myths through their own personal experience. Rather than confront their reality head-on, which is often conflictual, full of humanities’ sufferings and woes and negativity (now a word synonymous with sin), artists are rejecting real life as is and creating make belief phantasies of their own choosing, often void of any meaning whatsoever, human or otherwise. At least when using classical mythological symbolism, there was evidence of human longing or traits but with Futuristc mythology there only seems to be a wishful wanting for plastic perfection, a Goddess Xena, with big boobs who wields a mighty sword on those who are less perfect, and makes the world right again. The human element of empathy is gone in this vision. Only a tiresome, shallow barbie-like doll of existence, no psychology here, no depth, no understanding of why a human could be negative, or an analysis of society or politics in any way. Paula Prego is a great contemporary artist that most young artists, who aspire to never be, “negative’”, shun because she speaks volumes about society and human relations. So what is left, something a magazine calls “Beautiful Bizarre”, kitschy, smooth, expressionless doll like figures with a little something meant to spark interest. BORING! In wondering why young artists are running away from the real, and humane, I thought maybe it is because they are on over-load of information from news journals and social media about how ugly we have made this world. Sometimes I feel the same way when I see Trump’s face, or massive hurricanes drowning people, but I cry then can hopefully carry on with daily existence. But maybe the young people don’t have the stamina or strength anymore as they did not ever have a world that wasn’t portrayed like this. Unlike my generation that had a naively free childhood from all this information age. Even the rise of popularity of “Mindfullness” has not changed this trend of alien worship, futuristic hero worship and plastic imaging in art…(The AGO is having a big exhibition of “Monsters” soon), all it has managed to accomplish thus far is have people say, no to negativity of any kind here, which basically means don’t disturb me with anything real, I am so stressed I can’t handle anything more…don’t bother relating to me because I am on the computer with my own private thoughts and visions, only pleasant ones of course. We have regressed to infantilism as contemporary artists and it makes me want to cry because it means that nothing will ever change if everyone is detached from reality! I am not stoked by this trend! |
February 2025
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