If we were discussing Professional Singers...everyone can sing and be made happier and more creative for it, does that mean we should all be on stage and that it is our vocation to be a singer in this life time? Digital Visual Art done skillfully and beautifully is and can be great art...if it is done by a professional artist whose vocation it is to be one and they know their digital tools well...unfortunately in the visual art world today people find it it easy with new technology to put something realistic down on a canvas with a transfer without needing to even know the basics of drawing and art, and light and shadow and perspective, etc...and feel like they are professional artists because they are selling (which is never a criterion in the art field)...
Lets face it, it is good to be creative and happy in your life which singing in the shower and fooling around with paint can do for you BUT it is not the same thing as being a professional singer and professional artist...we have lost our clarity in this regard with the advent of all the new technology...and in our pursuit of hedonism we have also lost the notion that we came to earth to pursue one special vocation which maybe creative accounting for example, and doing art as a hobby for fun...and having a creative life generally...
Capitalism and the pursuit of money has confused the world that only art that sells is of value and that we are all jolly artists having fun and making money...
As Edgar Degas said, "“Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do”.