According to contemporary scientists subatomic particles are simply energy packets. We are a cluster of energy, so is everything else. A cluster of energy is always in motion, moving and changing to form new configuration at every moment. The table that is in your dining room is not as solid as it appears to be. On a highly magnified level, you would realize that it is in constant flux, losing and gainingbillions of energy packets, but intelligently maintaining the overall look of a table. There is a consciousness that keeps the energy in that particular form.
Sometimes when you have been alone and silent and focused on pure looking, and thoughtless you can perceive this matter as energy. The objects become blurred and become dot-like and vibrating. Evidence from extensive research into subatomic physics tells us that there is no such thing as physical matter. Everything is energy. So why as sensitive visual artists shouldn’t we see it as such and portray it on canvas?
If we could convince humans with an only-material-world-view of the truth of this by giving them a visual experience, human values would drastically change, from dog-eat-dog view to respecting nature and all life on this planet. That is my great hope as I try to share my experience through art, visually.
by Eva Lewarne