Creativity is the single most important aspect of the human mind, because it allows knowledge to grow and mature. It is curiosity, imagination, unpredictability.Creative expression, through symbols and metaphors is a means of communicating experiences, emotions and sensations. It is a process of dreaming into reality new possibilities. It produces wholistic thinkers, real renaissance men/women.
An example of a historical Renaissance man, was Leonardo Da Vinci, an anatomist, architect, stage and costume designer, chef, humanist, engineer, equestrian, inventor, geographer, geologist, mathematician, military scientist, musician, painter, philosopher and physicist. The contemporary renaissance person would combine a certain comfort level with both art and science, is computer and mentally literate a s well as globally aware.
Whole-brain thinking, includes a recognition of inter-relationships, cultivation of creativity, seeing behind phenomena and understanding how the highest aspirations, dreams, values and discoveries can be integrated into our everyday lives.
Creative minds are capable of conceiving projects and suggesting innovative solutions in all branches of knowledge.
Creativity can lead towards responsible social transformation.
Art is the most sensitive and comprehensive expression of human thought.