All of life can be creative...people ought to be taught to live creatively, to wash dishes creatively....that is the problem people have been led to believe that only art is is a profession, a vocation, like medicine...which can also be creative. Because of this confusion between art and creativity the arts are rapidly disappearing as a legitimate profession and are inundated with daubsters.
Doctors will soon be prescribing art, music, acting...Such BS...
Art is a profession, not a cure all...or drug. When looking at good art, listening to good music, watching good acting you are transported and maybe healed of some emotional malady...but making everybody do art who is not meant to be an artist will simply create what is happening now...kitsch...and kill the artistic professions.
Maybe artists should practice medicine.
In Art of Living Programs the emphasis is on learning mindfulness, stress free techniques and meditation. Which will make you a creative individual in any is a way of being in the world. Doing a lot of art can also change you over a long period of time, if you are immersed in it daily. And you are disciplined! But most people find it too boring and strenuous to meditate regularly. It is the boredom in fact that gives you break throughs in the meditative process and changes you. It is the only way to get out of your egos for awhile.
However most hobbyists do art maybe once a week if lucky and then focus on the production end of it, so it really does not effect their life in any significant way. And then they quickly want to expose it and sell it to their friends to be affirmed. The art usually communicates nothing significant, like finger painting and can feel good in the moment. And you don't have to go to school for 4 years.