To lack the ability to imagine and to dream is an easy road to contentment. Like the cow that chews grass all day, everyday, we are encouraged to dumb down, be positive, be happy and forget the still divine voice of our dreams and visions.
Our industrial and corporate society has been encouraging us to be content and happy with buying the products of pedlars and merchants, at the low low price of giving up our dreams and imagination. It has been drummed into us that artists and dreamers are flakes except for the few geniuses who made the business world more profitable for the pedlars. Even the art world has played into this with Pop Art and meaningless Abstract Art, playful and innocuous, not motivating anyone to change themselves or the world or expand their perception of life.
Education is focussed more and more on producing adults with no creativity or imagination, just survival skills in the marketplace., using fear of being poor and deprived as a motivating factor. Even art colleges that are rapidly becoming universities are forcing young people to analyze rather than create. They no longer foster the development of imagination and do not provide the proper tools for expression of creativity.
The nature of dreams is a double-edged sword. The price of our imaginations is to live with a constant presence of discontent, a need to share it with the world, a need for transformation. And it means you are going against the grain of the society you live in and ultimately do not fit in it, are rejected by your peers who have accepted the myth of contentment and positive thinking that brutally shuts down your small voice of imagination that says all is not positive and needs to change.
It is a privilege, to be able to dream, and it is a complete mistake by the world to put down the dreamer, to attempt to pacify the imaginative mind, for it’s by that very power that the future can be made a brighter place.
But industrialists and corporations who run our world don’t want a brighter place, they want the status quo that has made them content in the fake world of money, material goods, and comfortable lifestyles and gold toilets.
They would rather kill dreamers than change, so in the art world they exploit artists by asking for fees from them to show their art, thus keeping them hungry or promoting those artists that have bought into their ideology and paint decorative meaningless artwork that reminds people who own it of abstracted cows chewing cud in a idyll setting.