We think Nature is just a dead invention to make our lives more comfortable and pleasant. We create technology and paper money from trees to stay indoors hooked up to our computers. We use drugs or internet porn for dopamine release to stimulate pleasure and we no longer need other people and messy relationships. Meditation even can happen automatically with "mind machines", you don't have to sit in a dojo, freezing and bored while a Zen master beats you with sticks to keep you awake.
Lets face it people, some of us have woken up and said "halt", we need to back track here because nature is rebelling against our supreme arrogance and egotism. We have disrespected our Universe and its creation and thought we could play God and do better, be God without the necessary emptying of self, that of necessity requires sacrifice.
Now we are at war with those of us that want the human ego to keep dictating in our world, who are comfortable with things as they are, who don't really understand that all will die except for that plastic lined coffin, where the body inside, that was meant to be fodder for plants is rotting uselessly forever.