And it is time to have a revolution in the world because we have become a culture of war, violence, greed and despair for the majority of people, the have-nots. The new revolution will not be achieved by any political parties or factions, it will be achieved by an about turn in the fascistic path we are presently headed in. Fascism needs war and it needs scapegoats to empower itself. These will eventually be found in minorities, and difference.
No one person or leader is the cause. They are the symptom of our present culture, the mirror. We should look deeply in it and decide to change our ways, our thinking, our actions before it is too late and we, like the comic roadrunner fall off the edge of the world because we forget to stop.
It is not too late, like there was a moment back in Germany when Hitler could have been stopped by bringing to bear just laws and holding him accountable to them. If we held all our citizens accountable, like Iceland did it's bankers, we could create a just and compassionate society.
Economics thinks only in one direction and we have to stop relying on what economists think because economics requires wars to continue towards its goal of financial success. We need economics to be replaced by "humanonics" and "earthonics" that place life above money.
We need to find our humanity again and our soul and learn to dance and sing in life and cherish the earth and animals and above all ourselves, each other. We are all alive and when one of us is suffering, or homeless or hungry, we all are whether we know it or not
We need to find a new way of functioning and sharing and cooperating in society that minimizes competition and fosters love for one another, that destroys classes and hierarchies and gives everyone a chance to be happy in their short lives. I know that sounds utopian and idealistic but all we need to do is get creative and try new ideas on and see where they lead.
Our anger and rage must be channelled in a positive direction one of creative action. First we look to ourselves, acknowledge what we feel, then come together to brainstorm a new way of being in this life, this earth, with each other.