I get annoyed by all the hoopla about an occasional old person who has some stamina at 90 years of age. Just saw a pic of one flying a plane after 70 years. It sets the wrong message to people. Most people that age are fragile, vulnerable and need help. Everyone is unique in the way they fall apart and it has nothing to do with the health craze but everything to do with disposition and genes.
The message society is receiving is that it is okay to ignore old people because one is flying a plane (probably with a lot of support, not mentioned in the article) and as a result old people are ignored. I see it on a daily basis. Young people no longer help anyone across the street and cars trying to turn even honk at someone who is walking too slow with a cane. No one offers to help with carrying heavy objects even when people are struggling and very often do not offer a seat on the bus that is crowded. I get walked into on Queen Street regularly if I do not get out of the way fast enough by some young punks who do not feel in the least obliged to step aside for a senior.
I wish we would all stop thinking we will live forever if only we ate right, worked out all the time and pretended to be 20 by getting facelifts and dying our hair and dressing exotically.
I want the media to portray old people for what they actually bring to the table, their wisdom, intelligence and life experience.