Trump and others (Republicans and Conservatives) uphold this philosophy and that is why Trump did not bother much with Covid seeing it is part of the natural selection process. Yet knowing that if he contracted it he would be cared for by the best public institutions possible. He even went so far as to say he is God, meaning he can do what he likes in this life because there is no higher power beyond himself and no other life beyond this one. The religious group he belongs to is a play act to appease those with a conscience still and a networking device for himself and friends.
This philosophy is also why our ecology has been devastated. Robbing the earth is a natural outcome of Darwin's philosophy that man is the more evolved being and therefore has more rights to be comfortable, but really only the most select man, meaning the one willing to exploit others and everything in self interested pursuits.
Our awareness is changing due to many factors Climate Change, meditation and indigenous ancient teachings showing us that all life is sacred. That we are not individuals in this life but part of a living system connected to nature and to each other and the cosmos. Science has proven that butterflies in one part of the world behaving in a certain way can change the behaviour of butterflies in a very distant other part of the world. In other words we are in this life together. This is more in line with what the political Left believe.
We are at crossroads between an old world view and a new one for our lives, and sitting on the fence can be a very painful experience. Especially when we try to figure out how to govern ourselves within in.
So far feeding the poor is seen as a saintly pursuit and keeps the old world intact, but when people are now asking why there are the poor, the Capitalist system can easily come tumbling down.
The Conservatives and Republicans are trying so hard to keep the old world intact and yet look like they are making minor concessions. (telling people they will tax them less individually and save money for them? by cutting social services in society.)
We are at a stage where we know change needs to happen so there are no poor, where we can only be happy if our society is a happy one and yet it is difficult to make the choices necessary for this to happen. There is no way the super wealthy will give an inch by appealing to their morality, as they have already clothed themselves with religious institutions that offer them support in the belief they are chosen.
So society needs to tax them sufficiently to make it happen, but they will evoke the military and police who are on their side as we see happening all over the world. Natural disasters don't even
frighten them as we have seen in the US and here, into a moral stance in life. And I believe Nature will not ease up until we change sufficiently.
We need to make sure we have the right leaders at this juncture in history otherwise an apocalypse is eminent.